Copy Paste from Glide to Word & retain formatting

Anyone know how to copy the contents of a Rich Text column into clipboard in such a way that pasting into Word preserves the formatting?

I have a Rich Text component that displays a CV that has been generated by AI. It has some basic formatting automatically generated, e.g. bold section headers and bullets, etc…

I have added a button to copy the Rich Text into clipboard however, when I paste into Word, all the formatting is lost. This is a pity. If I select the Text manually using a mouse to highlight some text in the Glide App in the Layout window and then right mouse click to copy to clipboard, I can successfully paste the contents into Word and the formatting is preserved.

Somehow Glide is losing the formatting if the initial copy to clipboard is done via a button action…

Any tips? Thanks in advance.

I think the issue is that the copy action copies the value directly from the table column, which is non-formatted text that may contain markdown or HTML to make the text look nicer once it’s rendered. Markedown and HTML are only rendered on the front end. Since the copy action grabs the text from the back end table, it won’t be that rendered text with the formatting.

I’m not sure what you can do other than highlight, copy, and paste. I guess you could try something with the custom AI component, but I’m not sure if it will be possible to get what you want or not.


I don’t know about Word, but Google Docs has this feature that allows copying Markdown to the doc and retains the formatting.