Requesting a new action: "Show confirmation modal"

Ya… I have non css version too. the only css is full screen and floating box.

Ok… @Eric_Penn I have good news… I figured out how to set and read cookies from Glide !!! LOL
Now my Apss are really unlimited! :rofl:

That would be amazing for people who want to use location data for services without violating polices. It would also be super helpful for confirming purchases :sweat_smile:



Bumping this request. Please vote! We need the ability to show a popup modal that doesn’t live on an actual “Screen”.

Did we ask for this on the call? If not, we forgot, because this one would save time. I’m often recreating these, it’s quite repetitive.

See here. New screen with slide-in every time. Popup + Button or Cancel. 5 times.

It wasn’t mentioned, and I meant to mention it and forgot.

When building custom solutions for business clients, I shouldn’t have to create hacky modal screens or use custom HTML/CSS. Seems like a VERY basic/standard feature that’s missing.

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Yeah me too. I had a made a short list but I didn’t realize until the call and you spoke that we could share our entire list. After the call other “minor” wishes came to mind.

Personally I don’t think my modal screens are hacky. It’s just a little repetitive. I know that for each button confirmation I need to create a show new screen action with 3 associated actions: show new screen, cancel (navigate back), confirm (the actually action). I usually set it up as a slide in. It only takes a few minutes to set up, but it’s repetitive.

I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m thinking that it wouldn’t be too difficult to create a generic confirmation screen that could used throughout an App. In a similar way that we can create re-usable custom forms.

Show new screen to open the modal, check.
Navigate back to cancel, check.

How would it work with the confirmation button? Let’s imagine it were a delete row action, the action could delete a row in any of the tables. Or the action would live on a one-row helper table and deletion would happen via a relation with conditions all over the place in the action? I’m not sure my brain would like that.

I haven’t really thought it through yet. I may have a fiddle with it sometime.

Show new screen —> overlay isn’t a true solution because if you’re already in an overlay, then you lose context of the window you’re in. If you close the “modal“ you end up closing both screens.

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