πŸ“ Rename and ↔️ Rearrange is here!

My most often requested feature has arrived!!! :heart_eyes:



Yes!!! My suspicion all along was that the editor was the dynamic version of the static spreadsheet. This is proof.

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Now all we need is a β€œclone column” feature and I’m golden regarding workflow!!!


And the ability to input cell values from different rows into that clone column.

Incredible new feature

That is soooo helpful, I was just about to start again and re-create the database in a nice organised manner. Now it is much easier! Thanks Glide

WOOOOOW!! :star_struck:

Last night I was working late :sleeping: and I was quite amazed on being able to rename columns :face_with_raised_eyebrow:, but I never ever would thought about rearranging to be a possibility :partying_face:

Thank you Glide App Team for the hard work!!

This is a great new feature! Thanks Glide team!!

Right?! Iβ€˜ve been asking for this feature for MONTHS! Love love love how the Glide team listens to its audience!

Time to go back and clean things up!!!


YES! I didn’t see this! Thank you @Jeff_Hager! And you got it to us just before the end of spring, so we can still technically call it spring cleaning.


Oh yes! That makes such a difference!

Like butter :star2:

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