- It’s been some time since I worked with glideapps – can someone please help to entangle my thoughts as I ran myself into a spin:
allow me to layout an example:
user table: with user roles as “Teacher” “Student” and “Admin”
and tables:
- “Class” where “Teacher” is the “Lead” of its “flock of students”;
- “Rooms” where Teacher can book a Room;
- “Supplies” that are organized in “Categories”
each table has RowID plus corresponding properties (i.e. ClassID, Name, TeacherID, Image, etc.), with relations between tables using RowID or other ID to establish the relationship.
Now: I understand that in order to create relations I need a common column to be present in both tables:
let say I want to connect Class Table with Teachers table: what if I have the relationship established in spreadsheet (or sql db) where there are only two columns: TeacherID and ClassID – this is a common process (I think) in database relationship, but it confuses me when I have to translate that in glideapps: It seems to me that if I want to create a screen from a table, that table must have all elements (=columns) that will represent what I want to visually show on the screen:
it means, that if I have my relationships table (= 2 columns) I am unable to refer to the properties, i.e. show me class name and teacher’s name and image… – it seems as if I need to build each table with all the elements represented as columns in order to show it in a screen…
So: am i correct to assume that I have to build table with all relationships and lookups for all the fields I want to present on screen? What if the relationships are more complex?
I hope I’m making this clear to follow – thanks for clarifying!