Recurring issue of Limited updates on Free Plan

Hi All,

There was a thread regarding limits on updates to the app on the free plan but that one was closed. I’m experiencing the same issue. Can anyone help?


How many updates have you incurred? Can you take a screenshot of your usage screen?

Is it a new free plan? Do you have a google sheet attached? The problem is that there shouldn’t be anything that should incure an update on a free plan, but if you happen to have a google sheet attached (which isn’t permitted in the free plan), it triggers an update and puts you over your limit of 0 updates.

It feels like a bug because you shouldn’t have been allowed to end up in that situation in the first place, but the only solutions right now are to wait until the end of your monthly cycle, or create another free team and transfer your app there.


I did have a free plan and I DID attach a google sheet to it.

I recently got with a developer who stated the google sheets option would not serve and reworked it with GlideApps DataTables. While setting their version up I was testing it their way (with GlideApps DataTables) and entering data as I continue to build but then I got the notice I was out of updates, so I can no longer test and build the app because I need to be able to access the app and enter data. Was it because I uploaded my data from the google spreadsheet as a .csv? I thought another thread had mentioned unlimited updates. What is the status of that or do I have to switch to paid in order to continue building/testing?

This is the thread I was referring to regarding free updates:

The free plan should not have anything that accumulates updates, so for that reason the update limit is zero. What’s meant by free updates is that updates are not counted when updating data in Glide Tables.

Please refer to this post for more information.

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