Radial Chart not showing the correct stats

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  • The pie chart is showing only 2 elements but it should show 4

the possible Damages are “No Damages”, “Wet”, “Migrants” and “Crushed”

I don’t understand why but in the pie chart is showing only 2 labes and it is also not counting correctly.

it should be 51 “No damages”, 3 “Crushed”, 1 “Migrants”, 0 “Wet”

I have manually checked the data in and they are correct

How to replicate

  • List the steps, in detail, for recreating the issue.

Increase this to something unrealisticly large. You are limiting your chart to 24 items per page. Yes, dumb that there is paging on a chart in the first place, but I think that is your issue.


I really want that to be increased to like 100,000 or something like that, we can adjust that as needed.