😍 Quickchart.io: the Cloudinary of Charts —on the fly charts!

Why don’t you want an inline list in this case?

QuickChart is a visualization tool, so I assumed they’ll offer great visual tools. Clearly it can support multiple guages (or other charts), but I just can’t get it to offset from one another.
BTW - The bar chart is working great, i.e. adding a seperate bar for each new dataset.

  type: 'progressBar',
  data: {
    datasets: [{
      data: [50,60,50]

And the sandbox.

Yes, you’re probably right.

The new Chart Maker makes things even easier. You can create a URL with your settings saved and then just pass in the dynamic data at the end.

Like this:



That’s actually been there for quite a while :slight_smile:

I tried it out several months ago, but I ended up going back to the sandbox editor. Whilst it’s great for creating re-useable templates, the problem is that if you ever need to tweak the chart settings then you basically have to go back and rebuild the whole chart from scratch.

What it really needs is a feature where you can load a saved template, tweak it and save it again.

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Actually, I just discovered that it is possible to extract the raw JSON from a templated URL, which can then be used in the sandbox editor…


Hi @Robert_Petitto

Please how do you have different font sizes? Can you also please share the URL you used? thanks

For which chart?

Hi @Robert_Petitto

this one:


It’s the wordcloud API. You don’t need to define the font sizes, Quickchart calculates it based on the amount of times the word appears in your input.

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Thanks for your feedback. I truly appreciate

Hi everybody,

I can’t seem to find the right input to make that my graphs’ Yaxis start on the lowest data entered.

Any idea?

Screenshot 2022-04-08 at 11.52.55

Can you give me the code for your graph?

I think it has something to do with beginAtZero: true/false but have to test to be sure.

At the moment it’s this:
https://quickchart.io/chart?c={type:‘line’,data:{labels:[’’,’’,’’], datasets:[{label:‘Users’, data: [XX,YY,ZZ], fill:false,borderColor:‘black’}]}} with XX,YY,ZZ integrated with my data

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Thanks, Robert

Looks great


Hi Lucas,

I try to found a solution to make the same thing but I can’t…
It’s possible to know how do you make this presentation of three circle?
I used Quickchart.io with template column and construct URL composant but it doesn’t work or I don’t know how I can do…:pensive::confounded:
Thanks for your help,

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It looks an inline list of 3 quickcharts, presented horizontally.

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Hey @Laurent_Maleville I did what @ThinhDinh said here up :point_up: and set the quickchart column as image


Hi @Lucas_Pires
Thanks for your answer! :pray:

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You’re welcome! @Laurent_Maleville :pray: