😍 Quickchart.io: the Cloudinary of Charts —on the fly charts!

I’ve encountered a problem with templates that I generate using Quickchart. Links stop working after a few days and I need to regenerate a template link to be able to show charts in the app again.
Anyone here with the same issue?

We typically don’t use quickchart templates. Normally we build out the full url which includes both the data and the chart design without saving it as a template.

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(1) put number :white_check_mark:
(2) put parameter work in browser but it shows this error in glide

Can you explain what you mean by “work in browser”?

(2) I copy the construct URL and put in browser it works

Can you copy your full template column here in a comment, and a sample URL that works in the browser for us to test?

  type: 'gauge',
  data: {
    datasets: [
        value: _Q_,
        data: [250, 750, 3000],
        backgroundColor: ['blue', 'green', 'Orange'],
        borderWidth: 2,
  options: {
    valueLabel: {
      fontSize: 22,
      backgroundColor: 'transparent',
      color: '#000',
      formatter: function (value, context) {
        return value + ' POINT';
      bottomMarginPercentage: 10,

work url

Does the number contain any formatting or separators, etc?
quickchart expects a number, not a string.
If you pass something like 75% or 1500 THB (for example), it will break.

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here’s the setting of the number send

try again ,without change it 's working. Thank you

Hey all, Very Basic Question…I’m having troubles integrating my QC into glide. Here’s the basic setup…

3 columns. (Month, Widgets, Chart Template) There will be ~ 50 rows of data.

Here is my QC template input…

Then I have the appropriate replacements of “month” and “widgets” to their respective columns in my Glide tables.

When I create an image in Layout and direct it to my “Chart Template” it is only plotting the first data point (1st row).

How do I plot the entire column? What am I doing wrong?

You will need a Joined List column to get data from multiple rows. Then you can merge that joined list into your template.