Charts & Graphs for Glide Pages

Hi - are there any charts & graphs available for glide pages? Or a roadmap in when they might be available?


Charts & graphs are not available for Glide Pages. You must construct it using a third-party option like Quickchart and show that as an image.

For your second question, only the Glide Team knows their roadmap.


Thanks, good to know!

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Thanks for asking this Jake.
@ThinhDinh - Do you know if this is on the roadmap for the future? Thank you.

Only Glide knows of their timeline, but if they decide to develop it, probably not till Q3

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They launched it… all set!

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hello robert
any chances that glide will support chart description to be more easy to read because if my description/item name long, they will not show full name. maybe a features like set 45 degree for the description name?

This is a good question. Usually I use Chart.js for that specific feature.

so we need to utilize rich text ?

can you show me some example of using it.

is it the same like using ?

Yeah, it’s the same as, but if you deploy Chart.js in Github and use it in an Experimental Column, the result (web embed) allows it to be interactive, opposed to Quickchart’s result as an image.