Published app displays times incorrectly on iPhone

This one driving me a little nuts. The app works on pc and android phones but one user showed me this

and correct times are here:

Any suggestions!?

Did you accidentally make a computed math column be the source values of these events?

I’m seeing something different as well.

I did calculation for the date. Now I fixed the dates.

Thank you @ThinhDinh. Are you using iPhone?

Yep I was using iPhone.

Your issue is strange, admittedly I have never seen this before. In the sheet it looks right but seems like in the editor Glide reads it incorrectly, in my case now, 1 minute earlier in all rows.

Not sure if it has anything to do with the time format (AM/PM).

Hi Nadir, here’s the sheet with the fix.

I recommend you to take the date and time into one column like what I did in the I and J columns.

It will display just right in the app.

Then inside the editor, you can have 3 columns to extract the date & time.


Perfect. Thank you ton @ThinhDinh

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