My app works great in the builder view. All the data is in glide tables with the exception of one google sheet that i write data to to support printing.
- I will have 4-8 users that will utilize gmail addresses to login
- I need to avoid the app from throwing errors so my question is under what google account do i keep the google sheet that the app writes to?
Currently - when i use my gmail to login to the app that writes to the sheet that is in my google drive - the published app works.
when any other user uses the app - they are greeted with red “error” boxes filling the screen every 1 second or so - even before they perform any action.
So if there is documentation that explains how and where to post a google sheet that the app writes to by users with different emails that would be great.
The google sheet should be attached to your app via the same account that you used when you added it to your app. You granted access for Glide to access your sheet. Not individual users. You really shouldn’t have to grant any additional permissions as long as glide can access it. As far as your users should be concerned, they should not even know that a google sheet is involved unless you tell them.
What errors are you getting? I assume you are the owner of the google sheet? Have you changed permissions on the sheet or revoked glide access at any time after adding the sheet to your app?
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thanks for the follow up. I originally was using a sheet that was shared with me. I had edit permissions on the sheet.
the app worked fine in the glide dev builder. when I published the app and ran as myself that’s when the errors flooded the screen.
I then saved the google sheet as a new file to my google drive and reattached it in glide settings. When I run the published app it works. however when other users try to use the app they get the red errors.
One of the admins of the app I am building will own the google sheet so I need to use the sheet that she owns. My go-forward plan is have my adin set up her own glide account and I will transfer the app to her. I am hoping that this pattern is standard and is supported by Glide
Do you happen to have any special settings in your Privacy/Authentication? We had somewhat the same problem with SSO a while ago.