Public App - How many users on the free plan?

If I create an app which is fully public, how many people are allowed to access it

If they are signing into the app, the limit is 10 users as outlined on the pricing page. If they are not signing in, then there is no limit.

Okay, my app is showing 4/10 public users. My app is linked to a google sheet which receives updates. Am I still allowed unlimited public users? My users table only has one user so I don’t know why it’s saying 4/10

You haven’t specified if they are signing in or not.

You also mention a google sheet. Since you are on a Free plan with a google sheet, that must mean you are on a legacy plan, which has slightly different but similar user limits. (Identical as far as public users anyway).

Assuming users are signing in on a legacy free app that is set to Public, the limit is still 10 users. User limits are counted for the entire team folder. Counts reset at the end of the month or the end of your billing cycle. Any user that signs into any app within your team is considered 1 user. That count will Increment for each additional unique user that signs into any app within your team.

If your user count shows 4, that means 4 unique emails were used to sign into one of your apps within the team within the last month.

Not if you are requiring users to sign in.

Okay, thanks. Yes, I am on a legacy plan. The app is set to public with no sign-in, so how can I eliminate the fact that it thinks I have used 4/10 public users?

Wait a month and it will reset. At some point in the past month, 4 unique users must have signed into one or more of your apps.

Ah, so the number of users is not app-specific. Is it based on my plan?
