In my app I have 3 different callendars with data from the same table. The first calendar can be reached from the menu and shows all events of the year. The second calendar is placed in a Tab and shows the events of past week, and the third Calendar is shown in the same Tab under the second calendar and shows the events of coming weeks. Data is filtered based on a value in a column based on the date.
I want the details when I click on a event, to be different for each of the calendars. However, if add or delete something (e.g. text or another list) in one of the details screens, this will change in all 3 calendars.
Do I do something wrong?
Thank you for your help!
The details screen is attached to the table. You aren’t doing anything wrong. Since the details for all three calendar lists point to the same source table, the details screen is shared. It may not seem like it, but that does have some benefits sometimes.
I’m assuming the action on the calendar list in each tab is ‘Show Detail Screen’. You can leave that action as it is for one of your tabs. For the list in the other two tabs, use a ‘Show New Screen’ → ‘This Item’ action. That will give you independent detail layouts that can differ from the other detail layouts in the other tabs.
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Thank you for your quick reply! Did not think of different actions for each calendar.
The problem however was that I needed relation lists to be shown, in order to get the right data shown as details.
I have solved it by making 3 identical tables in google sheets with arrayformula and using glide to make the needed relations and per calendar a different details screen.
Thanks for your help.