Possible to receive text input from user?

I’m trying to create a budget app.
For example, if I ask for a user’s salary, is there a way to receive text input and validate that the answer is an integer?
Eg: Salary: $75,000
Thank you!

We have a Number Entry component that validates a number.

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If you want to ensure your formatting looks good after inputting, use formatting in your google sheet (ie format as currency) to format properly.
I’ve even done this with things like # of days. Google sheet formatting, (select whole column):

00 “days”

Alternatively, you could input a raw numer (ie 75000), then use glide template column to display in a nicer format, however you like, or even create a rich text input. (input 75000, template column causes it to read: $75000 Per Year) Advantage of template column is it will take effect immediately, without waiting a few seconds for google sheets to update and return formatted value.

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