Please try: New & Improved Tiles Layout

My perception of the horizontal scrolling of the tile (Orientation=Horizontal) is that can do something similar to image carousal - but I did’t understand that it was actually possible to scroll horizontally. The image carousal indicates the possibility of horizontal scrolling by showing (1/6). - but the tile layout doesn’t.

I don’t have the perfect idea for indicating “horizontal scroll possibility”

How do you get to scroll Horizontally

Am I missing something?
How do you get tile to scroll Hor

Choose Inline list and then you get the option vertical or horizontal. I just found out myself :wink:

@mrt224 here is a quick screen recording. sorry, no sound. but I hope it is clear, how to use this horizontal tiles layout for inline list- horizontal%20tiles


Thank you!

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Thank u

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the ‘indicator’ you looking for the horizontal tile layout would be the ‘peek out’ of other item at the most right side. In term of UI/UX this is actually the standard way on how to tell users that there are more item and user can do horizontal scroll.

There’s a bug when using dark theme and Pure Black theme, the label is not visible.


@erwblo - i’m on it. Sounds like you’re all working it out ok. Thanks @NataliaGo and everyone else for helping each other out as usual :dancer:t2::dancer:t2:


Could you please share your app? I can’t reproduce this.

here is my app

just turn back to dark theme and it seem the bugs is fixed!

I imagine that the translation will be updated soon for ‘see all’? :slight_smile:

As said by many others already, this is an awesome new feature! I’ve tried this out and found a limitation that I’m not sure is me missing something or maybe an issue that will be addressed in a scheduled update in the near future?

Here’s our use case. In our Active section, we’re cross-referencing records in our Parks section where users can go to enjoy a specific activity. In this example below, where users can go to play basketball:

In this example, I’m using the List style on the left and the Tiles style using the 3:1 shape on the right. Tiles are a great way to display content when the image is the focal point and the best way to convey information to the user. However, in our case, providing users with the name of the park and almost a complete snippet of the address is much more valuable than an image. For some of our references, we need to display 100+ records like in this Parks with Basketball example.

Given this back story, my two specific questions are:

  1. Is there a reason why the See All option cannot be deployed when using the List style so Glide cuts off the list at 12 records and then displays the full list on a separate screen?
  2. In the image on the right where I’ve enlisted the Tiles style using the 3:1 shape, why does the See All link not appear and the full list of records displays in an endless scrolling list?
  3. Could a Tile shape option be added to replicate the look of the List style example shown above on the left?

Thanks to everyone in advance for their feedback…I appreciate it.

  1. There’s no reason why — can you tell us why you want this? I imagine it would be great for stacked inline vertical lists.
  2. See All only shows for horizontal lists at the moment.
  3. Why do you want Tiles to look like Lists, when you can just pick List?

I appreciate you getting back. To answer your questions:

  1. I attempted to explain this in my post. I want to use the List style instead of Tiles because the display of anything more than a thumbnail image doesn’t add any value for the user and wastes a lot of screen real estate. In my screenshots, you can see the List option allows for 8+ items instead of just 3 using the smallest Tile shape available (3:1). Screen real estate is a big issue for us because some of these inline lists will include 100+ records. Also, in my example, the images in the Tile style dominant the screen (overpower really) and when scrolling makes viewing/picking out the park name and address a little difficult because they’re dwarfed by the image.

  2. When will See All be available for vertical lists?

  3. I don’t want to make Tiles look like Lists; I want the See All functionality available for Lists. I can’t imagine we would be the only ones using Glide who could benefit from this option.

Let me know your thoughts and thanks for your time. :+1:

I understand. I’ve referred to this idea before as a ‘truncated inline list’. How many vertical list items would you like to show inline, before ‘See all’? 5? Is it constant?

10 would be great. There are a few list that will be less than 10 if that’s what you mean by being constant? I assume anything less than 10 wouldn’t display the See All? Thanks for your willingness to consider this!

@david allowing the number of items to be configurable number would end the discussion of what is the right number :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I think the right number “depends” of the use case. Of course a default number should be used.


Being able to define the number as to which ‘See All’ would be ideal. :+1:

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