Have you made an emergency app to help others during the COVID-19 crisis? We’d like to create a catalog of these apps. Please add yours here: https://covid-apps.glideapp.io
Hi all, we’re working on 2 apps: 1 for local help in “western” countries
another 1 for emergent countries
we urgently need contibutions into the 2nd one
Hi all, i’ve made this app that shows covid19 data about Italy. Data is served by an API which is linked to italian “Protezione Civile” official repository.
Stay safe, we’ll make it through this together
Here is mine coronapositivenews.com
@david, could the makers have the opportunity to modify their record?
The UI of my app slightly changed, an update would be welcome!
We’ve added a section that aggregates gym classes, allows people to donate to the gyms they like & rent out their equipment during lockdown, essentially anything they can to keep their doors open & adapt.
Here is the one I have done for London - any recommendations to add please let me know: https://stayathomeguide.glideapp.io/
Editing is enabled, but the app is public without sign-in so anyone can edit anything… Behave!
So … you can disable editing now
Made a Global COVID19 Telehealth Directory**
Link: bxnjp.glideapp.io
Data used from a shared google sheet by Kanupriya Agarwal, MD
Color scheme and icons are nice!
Hi Glide team! Is there a way I can transfer my PRO plan from one app to this one??? Is basically to track analytics!
I created VAMOS BCN to help local businesses make some sales when they are closed. Many businesses don’t have a website and run entirely on social media, making it impossible for them to sell gift cards. With VAMOS BCN they can sell gift cards just with a paypal.me link.
Thanks! Any other feedback on the navigation is more than welcomed too.
Great initiative .
If you want to bring it to your town or region please let me know!
Here’s mine I made for Oklahoma but it does have the entire USA numbers. https://covid19ok.glideapp.io/