Pie chart using data from two columns

Hey there,

I was looking to make a pie chart using data from two columns on the same table, more specifically Upvotes and Downvotes to make it easier for posters to visualize such things.


Is there a way to display these two columns in the pie chart? I can’t add more than one value source, as is pictured below.


I’ve tried arrays, split text and joined lists but to no avail.

— Dias

The pie chart reads data vertically (row-by-row), whilst you are trying to read it horizontally (column-by-column).

I would suggest looking into Quickchart.

What is the context in which the chart is displayed?
Is it on a details screen, ie. for just a single row of data?
If that’s the case, what you could do is use a 2 row helper table to transpose the data and use that as the source of the native chart component.

Here’s an approach to transpose data.