Photo article dans panier / Picture of item in cart

Bonjour, je viens de découvrir Glide et je le trouve terrible. Mais en tant que débutant j’ai une question : Comment est-il possible d’afficher l’image des articles dans le panier ?

Merci pour votre réponse

Hi. I’m just discovering Glide and I found it terrible. But as a newbie I got one question : How is it possible to display the picture of the items in the cart ?

Thanks for your answer


Are you using stripe + Buy Button, or are you building your own cart?

It’s the french for “How sick is Glide !” :slight_smile:

I still think it’s not that word lol

It should be terrific lol.

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Hi. Yes,I’m using Stripe and Buy Button


No. Lol. It’s closer to awesome… :sunglasses:


You can point the “image” field of the buy button to the column where you store product images.


Thanks. it works !

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Trust me, french is my mother tongue :slight_smile:

I mean in english…

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