Pages and Array Columns?

Is it not possible to display the contents of an array column on a page? The array column I want to display (a list of speakers for an individual conference session) isn’t available to choose. If not, anyone know if it’s on the way? Seems like a weird thing not to be able to do considering it’s possible in apps.

It depends on how you want to display it. How are you expecting it to look on a page? Which component do you want to use? Do you want a List/Collection, or do you want to display it as just text?

How are you doing it in Apps?

The app is based on Google Sheets. There is a row for each presentation. Each row has six columns for speakers (speaker 1, speaker 2,…speaker 6). There is an array column in the Glide app datasheet that brings all those speakers into one column (speakers), and then I display that info using an inline list.

I want to do the same thing on a Page. But the speakers column isn’t available to choose.

It has never been the case that you can directly display an array column as a list. What your screenshot is not showing is the data source for the list in your app. I would be willing to bet that it’s a relation created using that array, and not the array itself.

As you can see in your speaker list, there is much more information displayed, as opposed to just a name…meaning that you are pulling data from the speaker table, which you probably linked to using a relation.


Ah, yes, that’s correct, I did make a relation column for speakers and that is my data source for the list. Still, I cannot select that relation column–it’s not among the choices:

Is the relation column you created within the table that’s used as the source for the screen you’re currently on?

Just figured it out. For future strugglers: even if you created a relation column in your Glide app, it doesn’t transfer to a Glide page. You have to recreate it. Then you can

  1. use a “Custom Collection” on the page, set the data source to that relation column, then
  2. add a regular collection to that custom collection, and finally
  3. set that regular collection’s data source to “This item.”

I think what you did here was choosing the option “New Page from data”. I believe what it does is create a new table with the same name and columns, but from that point onwards, the edits won’t sync back and forth because they are two different tables, unless you are editing basic columns in an external data source like Google Sheets/Airtable/Excel.

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