Pages 100 records limits

Hello !

I know there is a 100 records limits record on Pages, but i cannot find this information on the pricing page Pricing. There is just a limit of 500 rows per project, which is not the 100 limit …

If I take the Starter Plan, what will be the limits of number items ? Is it linked to the 5000 rows ?

Thanks you,

The way it is now, I expect any project, whether it be Apps or Pages, to have a 500 rows limit on the Free plan.

I believe the 100 rows limit was only for the old pricing, which has different limits for Apps and Pages.


Thanks for the reply!

It is also what I thought, but when I create a Glide Page connected to a google sheet, it doesn’t sync above 100 rows on the Glide Data Editor + on the website Glide Pages – Beautiful web apps, powered by your data. at the bottom it is written :

Try Pages today, for free. Create a page with up to 100 items and publish it for free, no credit card required.

mmm, that contradicts what is shown on the Pricing page.

Will raise this with the team.

(And if i create an Glide App connected to the same data source - the same google sheet in this case - it works perfectly, within the 500 row limits)

Thanks a lot!

I found this information on the pricing (it seems to be the one applied on my case) :

I found this when I select on an action “Send Email” > “Upgrade my app”

It looks like the team your app is in is still attached to the old pricing. Try and create a new Page project in a new team and see what it gives you.


Yes it worked ! Thanks ! :pray:

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