Linhas no Glide Page

Olá a todos, estou tendo problemas com algumas aplicações no Glide Page. algumas linhas não são carregadas.

Can you explain more with a video or some screenshots?


No Page carrega apenas 10 Linhas.

What type of subscription plan are you using?
How many rows does your entire project use?


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Eu reparei que o glide page está limitando a apenas 100 linhas os dados

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Hmm, this must still be a bug. I’ve noticed the same problem where all rows do not load from the google sheet even though you are under the limit. I’ve had the same problem with one of my projects, but I haven’t had time to check it again or research it some more. I mentioned it to one of the glide employees in an experts chat a couple weeks ago, but I haven’t had a chance to read the response.

It sounds similar to this thread.

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