Order details to WhatsApp

Hi Sayan!

Yes, it’s possible. You need to create a table to store the cart data and there you need to add a template column with all order details (items, prices, etc). You will need to create a Join List column to list the items of the order. It’s not too complicated. You can use the template that @George_B presented at https://community.glideapps.com/t/shopping-cart-after-transaction-completion-spreadsheet/4727.

That’s what I did. Using this template you will just need to include a Template column at the Cart table and at the custom action that’s used to “send the order” you will need to add an action “open link” using the new collumn added on Cart table, it will be a link like this:

https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=5521981210565&text=*Olá!* Meu nome é *NOME* e estou fazendo o seguinte pedido:%0a%0a *Num. Pedido:* NUMPED%0a%0a*Itens:*%0a%0aDETALHES %0a%0a*•Total: TOTALPED* %0a*•Telefone:* TELEFONE %0a•*Endereço:* ENDERECO %0a•*Observações:* OBS%0a%0aEnviado em: DATAHORA