Openweathermaps icon not displayable

Greetings to all. I ask for help from you in the community, because I don’t understand the problem and maybe someone will be able to understand it. I have entered the weather information, in a detail page. The setup is as follows:

<img src="@img" align="left" style="width:64px;height:64px;" /><b>** **‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎@desc<br></b>

Inserted into the page with an RT taking the settings from a template, where the @img icon is the result of another template building the weather icon link (e.g. iconize: 04n),

while the description is assumed by another template that fetches the data in a similar way, from a fetch set extracted from openweathermaps API.
The result is that everything is fine both within glide and in the version visible in the web browser, while in the iOS version, a box is displayed instead of the image, while the description is perfect.
Have any of you experienced something similar?
Thanks for the help
@Robert_Petitto @ThinhDinh @Jeff_Hager … etc :slight_smile:

Your image link isn’t working for me, but my first suspicion would be that you are using HTTP instead of HTTPS.

That “iconize” thing is a variable. So something like below would work.

In image;

More info on icon IDs:

@profxeni as Jeff said, I suspect this because of you using HTTP instead of HTTPS in the link. I encoutered this with Safari before.

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Thank you both for your help. I didn’t even realize I hadn’t set the HTTPS protocol, but unfortunately, that wasn’t the problem.
I assume the double passing of variables through the template, caused this problem. I have now eliminated the template that produced the weather icon, inserting the URL directly into the final template and inserting the icon code as a variable, whose code is generated by a lookup taken from a relationship with the weather table.
I attach the screenshot of the solution.
Kind regards


So it has been solved? Nice!

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