Hey all!
Just wanted to share with you my latest template: Student Reading Log .
It’s a simple, clean app that lets teachers manage and monitor the reading logs of their students. Features include:
Default, randomized avatars that students can edit
Reading Logs by Class Period or by All Students
New Reading Log Indicator next to students’ names
Mark Reading logs as Reviewed
Comment thread available for each log entry
My Books section to track your progress and stats on all books that you’ve read/are reading
Separate Student and Teacher Views
Here are some pics:
And the Promo Video:
Can you give me a little behind the scenes on the button and the random avatar?
Up til now, I have connected the avatar to the “Name” column so each person is ‘assigned’ an avatar by their name.
What column are you connecting the avatar to?
I think the random avatar trick is here.
something like this:
={"Default Image";arrayformula(if(len(A2:A), A2:A, "https://AVATARURL.com/"&B2:B))
Where A2:A is the image upload and B2:B is a unique ID to the user profile. Email address or Row ID. Avatar URLs can be any of the ones we found here:
Not exactly, In his video … the user can click a button and get a random avatar. They can click it as many times as they want and it is random again.
In my app, the avatar is connected to the spelling of their name. I wanted to know how he did the magic avatar changing button!
Just my thoughts, but probably you can achieve it by an increment action that points to a value column in the profiles sheet.
If you have a list of random avatars with corresponding values, you can have a relation - lookup so that each time the user presses that button, it will generate a new one.
Exactly what I did @ThinhDinh
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Edit. Don’t use a user specific column. Use a regular number column.
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