๐Ÿ†• New Template Gallery

Please check out our updated Template Gallery

  • New Pages templates
  • Templates now show a preview of their default tab, so if you have a template in the store, please polish your main screen to improve your appearance in the gallery and submit an update!
  • New & much improved search experience

Weโ€™re looking for new templates that use Pages and/or Glide Tables. If you submit a free template, you can also now attach an affiliate link to earn money when people who copy your template buy Glide.


The previews are fantastic! They will not only help new users, they will help template developers too to up the game.

This is beautiful!

Congratulations to the entire team!


@david - Re: attaching an affiliate link
Will a new user who copies a free template be added as an affiliate automatically?
Or, should we add an affiliate link in the app with a signup CTA?


Yes, it works this way โ€“ although for now you have to make a Pages template, tell us the ID and your affiliate link, and we will connect it. @Robert_Petitto has one template setup this way: Glide Templates | Room Reservations | Create a No Code App


Makes complete sense!

Really, really appreciate the manual effort it will take to make it work.

Congratulations again!


One more question: I noticed that the template videos are no longer listed on the page. Are they not required anymore?


They are still required.


You guys simply nailed it! :fire:

Regarding the affiliate linkโ€ฆ :exploding_head: no words!


Truly well done! I really wanted to get into this train, and I see a first-class passenger car has opened up!

:tophat: :top:

Well done

I am not so much into pages, so itโ€™s nice to see what is possible with it: especially these multi-column tables/lists with actions are fantastic :star_struck:

In the template gallery: glide apps auto-expand; however for glide pages, itโ€™s not clear at first sight that there are more than 3. ( @david )
Maybe add a โ€œsee allโ€ button for glide pages.

Moreover, glide appsโ€™ heading looks like a subcategory of glide pages due to its smaller size