New Table Element Feedback & Bugs

The new table element is now available under preview features.


  • We’ve noticed the text column with a link to view details is only clickable on desktop we’re unable to click it on tablets.


  • We’d prefer the whole row to be a clickable element similar to the existing table.
  • The spacing settings are a little confusing but I’m sure a help doc will be coming later.

Looking forward to seeing the additional features such as more column types like progress bar, pills/tags and more.

Please feel free to add any bugs you find or feedback to this topic.


There have been some updates to the new table element and a new data grid element!

One new bug I’ve spotted is the in app filter for the new table element doesn’t work/display when the filterable value is a split text column. This does work for the old table, and both the new and old data grids.

New Data Grid Bugs/limitations:

• Can’t scroll vertically.
• Limited to 200 rows

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Column Type Request for New Table

Comments column type.

This column type could display the latest comment associated with the line item. With the users profile picture and a timestamp. Similar to the below mockup.


Values and Display As for table Grouping.

This would allow for great control over grouping and sorting the order of the groupings with the new table element. For example groups may have specific names but can still be sorted alphabetically or numerically while the display group title can be different.

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Group Spacing

There isn’t enough spacing between groups within the table component.

New Table:

Old Table:


It appears that the New Table is no longer selectable as an option under Previewed Features. It was definitely there last night, so this must’ve just happened within the past few hours.

It’s now just ‘Table’.


Does that mean it’s “bug-free” now?

I’ve been a software developer for over 20 years. There is no such thing as “bug free”. I don’t even know of such a concept. :wink:

I kid…but yes, I believe it’s out of beta now.


In my table - clicking on the 3 dots on the right hand side takes you to a white screen of death when no actions other than “Item click” are defined.

Back button has no effect. I need to go back to the Glide dashboard, then ignore the “This app is open in another tab” dialogue box.


You can click here and remove the actions.


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Thank you - and my apologies

I’d wrongly assumed that as the “Add action” box was empty - the action wouldn’t show. I have deleted both of those empty action items and now all good.

Thanks again - much appreciated.

Pagination Controls Not Always Visible

Page controls are sometimes not visible, we’ve found they appear if we select a filter.

No filters selected:

After Filtering:

Can’t Filter by Split Text Column

This was possible with the old table and still works with the new data grid but not the new table.

Having a similar issue with pagination disappearing after navigating back to the table from a detail screen.
I’ve had to display a hint, prompting users to click the 3 dots menu inside the table, then its visible again.

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Hello! Today I noticed a problem: when opening a table, the pagination disappeared. But if you click on the Filter button, pagination appears.

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Hoping for a list of bug fixes for the table in @NoCodeAndy’s weekly updates.

In the previous version of the Data Grid, users could easily transfer data from external tables into Glide using the classic Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V method. It worked great with any number of rows and columns. The new version of the Data Grid only allows adding a value to a single cell, and this is a huge problem.

The previous version of the Data Grid is no longer available.

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Bug update 26-06-2024

• Filtering by Split Text columns still doesn’t work (functions fine in data grids).

• Search currently broken (searching anything hides all rows, support currently working on a fix).

• Tables are still displayed when empty.

Feature Requests

• Independent Sort Data By field for Grouped Tables (enables sorting the order of the groups and sorting the rows within groups by different values).

• Single search applied to all tables on page.

I’m not sure if I’m pointing out the same thing, but I consider it a bug that the new table doesn’t sort groups, only items within the group, whereas the old table sorted the groups according to the items, as well as the items.

This makes a difference for us in our use case. In the old table we used as a schedule for the day, the groups were crews and the items were jobs. It was nice to be able to order not just the jobs, but the crews as well when looking at the whole day.