New Table Element Feedback & Bugs

To me, in your example, it looks like the sorting is working as expected? Granted it would be better to be able to sort Groups and Items within groups separately (as you can in Airtable) - but isn’t your example working as expected? (Groups sorted first, then items within the group?)

Thanks for your reply. I used a poor example data set - the Groups were already in order in the table. However, when I changed the order, I discovered that the new table handles Group order differently than I thought. The old table puts whichever group that has the first item first, and so on down the items. The new table does indeed sort the groups as you say, then the items within the groups.

It’s not ideal, because I want to sort my groups and items by a 3rd column set up explicitly for sorting, and it’s kind of complicated. I’ll have to do some experimenting.