Need help on creating private chat

Maybe… Or a proper in depth video.

Is this not enough?

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If any people can help him then it’s ok but doing it himself to understand all the steps is not a bad idea.


@ThinhDinh i am thinking if it is possible o use a template to join cahats and a relation to check for peoples email address
so people can mention others by email

I agree with @Jeff_Hager so sending 1:1 only to the admin user.

For sending to all users at once, I’m thinking a helper column would do the trick. I don’t think you would need a specific string to do this either.

  • In your ‘users’ tab, you can create a single value column. The value could be anything.

  • Then, if your admins are also located on your users sheet, create a relation column based on the single value column you created “match [single value column] with [same user sheet]:[single value column]”.

  • If your admins are on a separate sheet, you would create the same single value column and then create a relation with the same parameters.

  • Once the relation is built, I’m thinking you would do a lookup to include all the users as receivers of the chat messages.

I’m going to try this myself to see if this works in theory. Let me know if anyone tries this out first!

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Spending 5 hours on it… idk. It’s either my tables are glitching or it’s just not working on mine. I know react native, MERN stack yet this still confuses me. @Kairu will hopefully finish it for me.

Take a look a

i made a copyable app withtemporary emails from temp mail

you can copy it and have a look

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I can’t access the link when tapping on “tap me”

Should be better

With these steps, will I be able to add notifications/alerts. I would like for messages sent by the admin to notify the users. If not, should I abort these steps and do a Zap!?

So, I am using option 2 where you said to create a row of the user email, single value with admin email, ect. I’m stuck at that part. Admin consists of 3 individuals and preferably be using 3 different emails. Would the single value allow that? What does the single value column do?

So, I noticed when I add the Row ID, I believe it makes users login with a pin. Is this always the case for this feature? What if I do not add the a Row ID, what would that do for my private chat. I really dont need the topic section in the chat

wow thank you so much

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what a legend!

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Seeing yours I realise the problem. Everytime I submit a chat request it creates a new item.

although new item I thought was for ecommerce, looks like it is somehow connected to the chat form. I’m not sure why since an item and form should be different.

When I form the column for user 2, it does not show as an email being used as shown in your video (see image attached). It also is using a title that is on another tab (weird). I believe that it is messing up partially due to the userArray needed… I should also note that I do not see the signed-in user option. Don’t know where I went wrong… Please help!?

Note - I do not have multiple profiles; my app is not a messaging app. Messaging is a small component. I do have the form button on a different screen, as suggested (although I would prefer it to be on the same screen). I followed steps, but certain options aren’t popping up for me…Screen Shot 2020-07-13 at 12.17.08 AM

Likely you don’t have any email data for the “User 2” column as of that point so it doesn’t show up as an email column.

i remade your APP

So, isn’t User 2 where User 2 information going to be stored for the column. Problem being, when going to add, select column, it shows me column options for another tab??? The “To” label is under another tab…