In-app chat

Hi! Does Glide currently support in-app chat so that users can have 1:1 conversations with each other or with our business team?

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There are two types of chat in glide. You can add the chat tab, which is a global chat for everyone in the app. Then there is a chat component that can be added to a detail style layout. Chat components in the detail layout need to be linked to a unique value within your sheet. As long as a user can see details for a particular row, they will see the chat component for that row item. If they don’t have access to a record, then they will not see the record or the associated chat component. There isn’t a true one-on-one chat between only two users (like SMS), but if you structure your app so only those two users can see particular details for a row, then it would be private.

Got it, thank you!

is this only a pro feature?

@raxxie No, this is available to anyone.

Use a Google Sheet Add-On such as Autocrat. Whenever a new record gets generated via Glide Form Button, Autocrat will automatically create an email / attached invoice using the columns as mail merge data. You can specify the recipients of the email and include instructions for next steps.


I am not seeing the " Chat components in the detail layout" that was mentioned

I probably meant the comments component.

can it create chat between buyer and seller before they make deal ?? after then I will take a commission . i m just admin in the marketplace.

Sure, as long as you place a comment component on a page that only the buyer and the seller can access. Maybe a form button to “start chat”, from the item page. Write the buyers email in one column and the seller email in another column. Make sure the columns are labeled Email 1 and Email 2 so glide creates an array column of Email. Display an inline list of the chats in the item detail page and filter by signed in user against the Email array column.


Here’s how I was able to accomplish private messaging:


i dont understand with your video, i cant filter, I cant see tutorial…
I dont have new coulunm.

Stealing this idea. Man array columns are awesome

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Powerful stuff!

where I should make firm bottom?? make new tab or in the below of items seller prodile…

Pada tanggal Jum, 28 Feb 2020 14.06, Jeff Hager via Glide Community menulis:

You can keep the form button where you have it in the item details. Use the form button to submit the item, the seller email, the buyer email, and a Unique Identifer to a new chat sheet. In the item details sheet, create a relation column that links the item to the chat sheet using the item name or code. On the item detail page, create an inline list that uses the relation column to point to the chat sheet. Filter the inline list by signed in user. Only the the buyer and seller will see their own record in the list. Open the chat record in the inline list and add a comments component. Set the comments component to use the unique identifier value, so the chat will not be visible to other users. That should be it.


It looks like you keep making large changes that don’t follow my directions, so I can’t keep up with you. Take some time to read through my steps. Even if it takes several days to try to understand it. You are kind of all over the place with your changes and responses so it makes it hard to help.

Why is your relation column linking No Code to Buyer Email?

Why did you not select match multiple on the relation column?

Why are you using a relation component instead of an inline list component?

Why are you setting Visibility on on the relation component instead of a filter on an inline list component?

You have unique ID in your form screen, but where is the users email special value component? Where is the item column value component? Where is the Seller’s email column value component?

Maybe this feels like a component relation that doesn’t appear.

But I will start with a special file to app for learning to Chat so that it’s easier to see.
I will follow all your words/sentences direction.

We are making some step:

  1. “You can keep the form button where you have it in the item details. Use the form button to submit the item, the seller email, the buyer email, and a Unique Identifier to a new chat sheet.”
    Ok, We are making 'Form Button in the page detail “Seller Name” profile technician". It is content data the seller email, the buyer email, and a Unique Identifier.

and the contents of the form the button is

  1. “In the item details sheet, create a relation column that links the item to the chat sheet using the item name or code”.

Ok, We are making a relation column using multiple.

  1. “On the item detail page, create an inline list that uses the relation column to point to the chat sheet”.

Ok, We are creating an inline list that uses the relation column to point to the chat sheet.

this has a problem because of no relation column, why?
help our, Jeff.