Glide's Community Built Messenger

A Private Messenger app similar to the ones that come native on your phone. I’ve created an entirely different way of submitting a chat message that allows you to view the chat as it is and this chat shows the last message sent as part of the icon in your list of chats alongside the timestamp of when it occured.

I honestly thought I submitted a showcase for this weeks ago but I guess I just forgot. And as always it’s 100% free :grin:


Really impressive!


Great app :+1: very useful



This is smart, I use a similar method in my networking apps.

You can add some value by:

  1. Linking your free text notifications to this
  2. Adding an option to upload media
  3. Creating a group chat

I might just add those things. I really didn’t think much about it to be honest. I was trying to build a private chat for the back end of my kiosk and after I built it we decided to do something much different so I just rebuilt the messenger part on its own…I will probably add those things.


Good job, Joe!!

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Thank you sir :hugs:

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@Manan_Mehta So you said add a group chat…has anyone made a group chat in Glide yet? I haven’t seen one. Gonna make this app have 2 firsts if that’s the case.


I have made some similar ones, group chats or threads where you could tag a specific user who is involved and on that basis they receive a notification

Group chat. Yes, please work on it.

I am happy to announce that @Jeff_Hager has decided to help me work on this community template and I think we will have some more features coming to it very soon :slight_smile:



We should thank you by sending you a new microphone :smiley: :smile:


Very funny, very funny. But no thanks needed :grin:

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So I think we might do a nightly build on this app until it’s done. I will post on here the most recent one with features added or updated. Since we missed a few days here’s whats new. @Jeff_Hager added some CSS to create a floating field for chat as well as moving all chat directly into Glide sheets so responses are instantaneous. I tweaked the CSS just a little to move the floating field to the bottom of the screen and added floating buttons to add new chat as well as to send your message. So, now when you scroll through messages your message field to type into is always visible. and with the floating buttons it takes up minimal space.


The RGB color code listed is your background color for the chat field you type into. I would suggest changing this to match whatever color your using with the theme of the App. Black for example is rgb(1,1,1,.5) and light grey is rgb(211,211,211,.5). The decimal number at the end is the color’s transparency. What I did was went to apps theme copied the current color and pasted it into google, it will spit out the rgb to match that color. Or you can just enter your color as a hex instead of rgb.



Nightly Build Time!!!
Added today was notifications, when a text is sent via the app a notification will be sent to their device as long as their carrier and phone number is added to their user profile and their carrier allows it. This is done using Google Scripts, you will need to create a trigger for the scripts and the trigger needs to be setup as a onChange trigger.

Once you have the trigger, carrier and phone number setup you should be good to go. The exception to this is creating a new chat. A newly created chat does not yet send a notification. I will either finish this tonight or tomorrow. After a chat is created every message sent does yield a notification just not the 1st one.


That was quick. Ok, all notifications are working even with new chats created :grin:


This one @Drearystate?