I don’t have a video tutorial but these are the steps. Feel free to message me and we can set up time to walk through it if that will work best.
Create a Messages sheet in Google sheets.
Add a Row ID column. This will ensure every chat has a unique identifier.
Add two columns titled “User 1” and “User 2”
Within Glide, on your Messages tab, add the Comments component
On a different tab/screen (ideally where you’ll want users to be able to start a chat) add a button component
In the features section for the button component, set the Action to Show form
Then click the button, you will then be able to click what sheet the form should write to, essentially where the data will go. You should choose your Messages sheet.
On the form, add a choice field for User 2. For the choices, you can select the users sheet or whatever sheet houses all of your user information. You should select the user’s email address as the value to write to the User 2 field.
With this, the user will be able to select which user they want to chat with.
You’ll also need to set the field for User 1 to the current user. You can do this by creating a Template column set to the current user’s email address. Make sure to place this column on the same sheet that you’ve placed the button for users to start a chat, otherwise Glide will not pull in the data to populate the column.
Once you’ve created this form and have submitted some test data, the last step is to create a relation column between the users in your Messages sheet and your users.