Navigation between records - possible?

@matt Here’s a copy of the app I’m working on. It pretty rough at the moment, but if you look at the memories tab you can see what I’m doing with the buttons. It’s a photo gallery with buttons that show the previous and next image. I’m not cycling from last to first in mine. Instead I have an empty First and Last page so the tile buttons stay in their respective places once I hit the end of the gallery. I’m also displaying everything in reverse order so the logic is a bit backwards.

Curious how you did the Previous and Next text. Are you using a Tile list like me or using separate buttons?

I’m adding this to feature requests. I’ve wanted paging, too. I see it working in the details view for any inline list. Just a “simple” previous/next button to navigate to the detail view of the previous/next row in the table.


Hey Gliders. This is what I was able to do to navigate from one detail screen of a list to another detail screen without needing to go back to the list, as well as have a “workout complete” button.

The list that I wanted to click through is a set of 10 exercises. The detail screen for each exercise has a diagram of how the exercise is done, the sets/reps, and a description of the exercise. I didn’t want the buttons to show the name of the next exercise, instead opting to just show “next exercise” in the button. I also wanted to add a “workout complete” button that only appears at the final exercise of the list.

To have the button show “Next Exercise” instead of the exercise name, I just added a column with the text that I wanted to display for each exercise. The key data elements in my table are the current exercise name, the text of the next button, and the exercise that will be displayed with the next button is selected. See table.


I then built the relationship (like Jeff) which links one row of a table to the next row. I then added an inline list (again, like Jeff) with tiles and selected the “Title” of button to be the “Next Text” data field (instead of the exercise name). I preferred no background image for my buttons and de-selected the option to “show title when image is not available”. This created a standard, but somewhat boring, button on each detail screen.

For the final exercise, I included the text of “Done” (which didn’t match any values in the exercise name column), which prevented the next button from appearing at all for the final exercise. However, the final task needed to display a “workout complete” button, which I solved by adding a button component with a visibility condition to show the component when the Next Exercise value is “Done”.

The downside to this solution is that the next exercise button and workout complete buttons have different fonts, colors, etc., but it met the functionality requirements.

Some screenshots…

Jeff - many thanks for your model. Couldn’t have built this without it.

LMK if anything didn’t make sense…


Well done, @matt. Bookmarking this for later.

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I think this would make a lot of things simpler with the newly launched increment action.

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Is it possible to go to next rows or previous rows with swipe left or swipe right in detail view?

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You can use buttons with increment action for it.


Thank you very much I am going to learn from it.

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My app uses Row ID’s and don’t have sequential ID numbers. Seems like I would have to have sequential ID numbers to use the increment button, is that correct? Trying to figure out if there is an easy way to add next and previous record buttons to my app.

You don’t need to have sequential IDs. First, I would like to know that:

  • Do you have multiple groups in that table and you only want to navigate between records of the same group?

  • Or do you want to navigate between records of the whole table?

That’s right, I have multiple groups in that table and I’d only like to navigate between records of that group.

I had tried Jeff’s method above but it didn’t quite work for me because the items in the table might not get entered in sequentially. My app keeps track of notes about different scenes in a movie, so you might enter in info about scene 1,2 and then enter in info about scene 5, then later enter in info about scene 3 and 4.

Not sure if that has an affect on this method, but it seemed like it was a bit of an issue with Jeffs.