🆕 Native ability to limit number of items on inline lists

Finally we have an option to hide the “See all” text while being able to limit the number of items in the list.


I noticed this yesterday but thought it’s been there since few months

Excellent, nice find. Funny enough I needed this today so its saved time and effort hunting for a css ‘work around’

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The UI is new. But, the feature isn’t new I guess. Been using it for a while.

same lol :smiley:

The limit items option is new. It’s a suggestion I threw in for the last live coding session, and it was added at that time. Must have just made it to production.


Yep! Going to be nice for leaderboards!


It was a great suggestion.

It’s these simple changes that make life so much easier.

We should encourage and do more things like this.


Cheers! Guess I didn’t word it clearly. Made some edits now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Will be lovely for many use cases.


It’ll help us a lot!!

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I think I may have come across of bug with this feature. When viewing a calendar style list with a sort order from newest to oldest, and the number of items are limited, I think it’s limiting the number of items starting from the oldest first. When I enable the limit, I no longer see the newest entries. So, even though I’m viewing the calendar from newest to oldest, I only see the oldest items. Of those oldest items, they are still sorted from newest to oldest, but I should be see new entries instead. The problem is that I have over 4000 dated entries, so I’ve spent several months trying to find different ways to make the calendar list load much faster while still being fully searchable (can’t filter, because I wouldn’t be able to search filtered items). This limit feature seems to be what I need, especially for a calendar list, but it’s not respecting the sort order. Has anybody else noticed something similar? I’m guessing this only affects the calendar style list.

Is this ability to limit the number of items also available for the inline component?

@Parabolik Yes! :

Thks Dilon for your snapshoot but No !

Oh. I guess it’s not available for the Calendar Layout!


Whether this means showing the number of items to a limit,

When someone add a product to a list,if it is limit by 10,is it possible to add 11 or else it throws any error.

Product “11” will still be added to the database but just won’t be displayed provided it does not fit your display order. …

The inline list is simply a way of displaying your items contained in your database. Bear in mind also that you can still choose the order of display of your items whether you display by sheet order or by another metric is what will determine whether product 11 is shown or not but it will not restrict you from adding additional products to the database.

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yes of course! you are right! I changed by the Layout list

Yeah, I’ve found that the calendar layout works completely differently from any of the other list layouts and is quite limiting. It’s also much more processing intensive when you have a thousands of rows. Glide has mentioned in the past that it’s coded differently (inefficiently) and loads slower. That might be one of the reasons why we can’t set row limits. I’m hopeful that they will rework it some day and maybe add a little more functionality on top of it.