@Anibal_Hornos please pay for glide if you’re using it for your business — I recommend starting with the Starter plan. Please do not ask me how I can help you, on the weekend, continue to use Glide for your business for free.
For all future referrals that we get to sign up with Glide, are those row bonuses still added?
Sign me up to go through the early migration. I just moved all apps from My Team and put them in new Teams I’ve created. Referral rows will be migrated over…excellent. Question: what about future referrals? Will new rows be applied across all apps in the various teams we’ve created?
Referrals were for My Apps only. There are no referrals for now.
I thought I had heard that when we moved our apps to a Team that had collected referral rows in the My Apps section would be able to keep our rows. I think all of the apps I had in there, which I moved to Teams, are now completely inaccessible due to the restriction of rows put on them. Is there a way I can keep the row referrals I had for those apps? I’m currently unable to use any of them due to the row restrictions? @david
Copying David’s reply in the Regulars chat:
"No, when we migrate your My Apps to become a new team, it keeps the rows.
Your referrals don’t follow your apps to any team you manually move them to"
I’m confused. He’s saying that if you earned referrals for any apps in My Apps, that when you transfer them over to a team, it keeps the rows that you’ve earned, correct? Or am I still not understanding this. I’ve lost the ability to use my apps due to the Team restrictions, but these were all apps that were in My Apps, and now I can’t use them.
I think what he means is when My Apps was converted to a team itself, your row counts are kept inside that team.
If you manually move one of those apps in My Apps to another team, the row counts for that app don’t follow and you get pushed back to 500.
If that isn’t the case, I believe you should submit a support ticket. Get support from within Glide while the app is open by selecting the “?” button at the bottom right. That will bring you to this page: Glide • App Maker Platform Without Coding • No Code Application Programming, which currently has an “Open Support Ticket” link.
So, do I just change the Team name to My Apps to retrieve those rows that I’ve lost. I just misunderstood the process.
Unless you can convince Glide to intervene, I think you are out of luck. The My Apps folder was quite unique and was nothing like normal team folders today. Renaming won’t revert you back. It’ll change the name, but it will still be a modern team folder.
We are migrating My Apps to ‘My Team’ through a careful process where we rewrite your account and migrate apps and data. You cannot do this yourself. Only the team that we create through this careful process will receive your referral information.
Please pay for Glide if you need more rows. I cannot spend any more time on this.