I’m working on lokalnahrana.org, an app that lets people easily find local food producers all over Slovenia (localfood.glideapp.io is the stripped down English version, which was recently featured).
What I’m currently tackling and need your help with is this:
So far people can find the food they want and order it either via phone or email. Or click to the online store of the producer (1 out of 300…).
Now I connected Stripe and made it possible to buy via the app. This creates a problem. People will add several products, and quite possibly from different producers. That’s fine. What I cannot get around is how do I automate the email/notification part.
I created a separate sheet, which copies the “App:Sales” sheet, but adds crucial info like email of the producer and telephone number.
How do I make it so, that the order of 1 person (say 10 items, from 3 producers), is bulked together into 3 separate orders (in the message, that is) and sent to 3 different producers?
I know there must be some sort of google sheets magic. Someone suggested using Rollup on Airtable… there’s also a rollup function within Glideapps, but no idea how to use it.
I saw a post yesterday about overcoming push notifications. Take a look at that. The process described there may be of some assistance. I personally have no experience with what you’re trying to accomplish, but this may help.
Hey Tim, thanks for chipping in. I read that and I’m not sure it helps. Or at least, I am not proficient enough to know whether or not it could help.
What I want is to lump together a buyer’s order (which is made into separate rows in App:Sales, 1 for each different), into one entire order, and then send that to the seller.
Yeah it makes sense, but again, I have no experience with this (yet).
I guess my thought is if you have the order broken out into 2 or 3 rows, the script could send those 2 or 3 rows to the appropriate vendor(s), then flag the rows so they don’t get sent again.
I don’t know how easy it would be to create only three separate emails, but I imagine you would use some sort of vlookup in the sheet to link the SKU back to the owner of the item. Then send out your emails with a script or zapier to the respective item owner.
C elects 9 items. 3 from S1, 3 from S2, and 3 from S3 = 9 items but 3 separate stores/sellers. Correct?
Each item purchased is recorded on the orders received sheet in rows, correct?
You want to bulk together the items (as in all 9 items in one email and send email to 3 sellers) or separate the items by seller and send three separate emails?
Stripe is not making any distinction between sellers; it’s simply recoding the transaction as for 9 items and asking C to pay. Correct ?
Your task is to separate the items by sellers and send email to each seller asking to dispatch order. Correct?
I have deliberately changed the order of q 3 and 5 to understand something. Might sound confusing, but pls answer Q in the order set if you could.