Manual Share Button

I’ve found that on Google Play the glide native share feature is unreliable (probably works 10% of the time). So I manually set up a share action that seems to work everywhere.


If anyone else has to overcome this issue, you can consider a manual method. It’s a bit tedious but better than a broken feature.

You’ll need 3 columns (or more if providing sharing options to multiple apps):

  1. A deeplink column (if this is not prepopulated, you can use a custom action for your manual share and first set your deeplink column to “link to current screen”).
  2. A message column (see below for format).
  3. A template column with formatted URL for sharing to a specific app (see below).

Workflow: Button or action row > show new screen > button block containing desired share actions > open link (pointed at template column URL)

Example of share message {message}:


Whatsapp Share URL{message}:%20{deeplink}

Line Share URL{message}:%20{deeplink}

Facebook messenger Share URL


Twitter Share URL{message}:%20{deeplink}

LinkedIn Share URL{deeplink}&title={message}

Telegram Share URL{deeplink}&text={message}

Email Share URL


Hope this helps someone.
If anyone has a simpler workaround, please share. :+1:


this doesn’t seem to work.

i found that this worked instead:


Note: https is required.


That’s interesting… it works for me.


Does it look like this after you apply the template?

ok. I’ll keep this in mind for if the other stops working for me.

In the first button (below), is using link, it opens Messenger but no link appears.

In the second buton, it uses the method I discovered.

What could be wrong my first button?

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did you select the person to send it to and see if the link appears in the message?
Actually, you’re right. It opens the app but doesn’t copy the link. I’ll switch to your template link if that one does the full job. Thanks!

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Great, anyway thank for you the ideas.

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anytime! I haven’t tested the telegram template because I’m not on that platform. If you are, do let me know if it works as expected.

Yes, telegram works. Line however, still testing.

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Ok, LINE works, but we came across another URL:

This URL, is under LINE New while your method is listed as LINE Old.

here’s my app to try:

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great! Which Line method do you prefer?

Your method as it doesn’t involve an additional screen.

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ok :+1: