Hi. I am wondering if anyone here has tried (and succeeded) in creating an in-app quiz using Glide.
I am in the elearning industry and need to offer quizzes. I can link out to a Google Form quiz, but can’t seem to find a way to build one right in Glide.
Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.
I’d recommend using a form button. Create a sheet with columns for questions and columns for answers. The user can answer the questions using choice components or text entry components and submit the form when done. You can then build logic in the sheet to tally the results and display however you want.
Thanks for your input Robert. The Google Form quiz works beautifully (and is easy to use), the only issue is you have to link out to it. It might not be a bad thing though.
You need to click the 1st button and create user and then click the 2nd button and play.
I’ve created it on detail screen but you can do the same in a form.
It’s in Hebrew so apologize for that
Thank you for your reply Yinon. I will try the forms options first I think.
What I have found in the meantime, is that Google Forms work almost seamlessly with my Glide app AND the results are recorded in the Google Sheet I am working from. Given the complexity of the quizzes I need to build, I am beginning to think that this would be the best solution for me at this time.
May Glide will come up with a way to integrate quizzes directly into the app.