Make row owner delete my rows

Hello, how are you, I always use make row owner to filter the data and only the specific data of each user appears, but when I try to use make row owner in a row, it eliminates all the data, it is something strange, I think it is an error, anyone do you know why this happens? Thanks.
I a video on loom showing what happens

Have you tried on an incognito browser?

Do you have a support link?

Hola Santiago, gracias por la pronta respuesta, no voy a probar en incognito y te aviso, no aun no tengo un link con soporte quería verificar antes si era un error mío

Ya verifique con una ventana de incognito y el error persiste, lo que se me hace extraño es que probé en otras aplicaciones que tengo y en todas funciona pero en esta no!

Hola Dillan,

Yo tampoco pude reproducirlo. Por fa, envía un ticket a con el vídeo y el enlace de soporte.

@SantiagoPerez this has been happening a lot recently. Any time it happens, a builder refresh is required to make the data re-appear in the builder.

@DillanMartinez - were you able to reproduce it? If you can’t, let me know. I’m pretty sure I can.

no I still can’t get it to work can you tell me how I can do it please thanks

I meant - did you submit a ticket? If not, I will.

The workaround I have been using is to refresh the builder after applying row owners. The data usually appears once you do that.

Does the user you are “viewing as” have the same email as the column which has row owners applied? There needs to be an email address in your row owner column that matches the “view as” email.

In addition to the “view as” issue, applying row owners does cause the data to disappear sometimes and requires a simple refresh.