Magic Links ๐Ÿ”ฎ | New Feature

We made it easier to invite your colleagues to Glide. Now, they can join your team in just one click. Create a magic link and share it with them to start creating apps together. :sparkles: :link:


This is awesome!! Hope you guys will develop this even further :ok_hand: with

  • FROM name to the name of app or something
  • Little glide branding in email โ€œvia billing.glideapps.comโ€
  • Maybe a way to send this link from an action, to a webhook etc for further integrations (this would tackle to 2 pointers above this one)

@sebastiansolari On my iPhone when opening an app with the magic link from the Gmail app, and I choose Safari (because thatโ€™s the only browser I can add to home screen), the link opens in a Webkit instance where I cannot save to home screen. Instead, if I click the Safari icon to open in Safari, I am met with a new sign in request, which sends a PIN email. If you click the โ€œOpen app directlyโ€, you are met with the same recursive loop. Is there a way around this (multiple instances and sign in loop) for Safari users?