Logged in as "Anyone"

When viewing as user “Anyone”, Glide always “knows” that no one is “signed in” (see the Sign in/Sign up buttons), but the logged in email address most often just stays as the last logged in user (see the email address circled)

  1. This mode should always be available to test not-logged in users in the builder (you cannot log someone out when testing as a different user)

  2. Is the only way to test the logged-in status to look for an empty email address? Because that’s not working.

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I think I’d consider that a Builder bug. I’ll tag this topic for escalation.


This thread has been escalated. Support will follow up via the Messenger in the Builder or through email.

That does it. Thank you.

Can confirm that happened to me just this week and I had to refresh the tab.

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With me too

Same problem i am facing here when viewing as anyone. Anyone was able to solve this issue?

Can you try refreshing the tab to see if it helps?

The only solution I found was exiting the app and going back in with anyone already selected.

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Obviously I tried, but no result. However, in the published app it’s behaving normally.

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