List line items linking to other sheets

Hey Jeff,

Any way to share a link to this app so I can see functionality first hand?

Hereā€™s a link to an old version of the app.

Interesting, so the underlying items from that inline list have completely different configuration pages in the builder? They seem like they have the same structure still, just some missing other info.

Three lists, three sheets. They are in no way tied to each other. They just happen to be next to each other and serve similar but different functions.

Understood. Do you get to configure each of them independently in the builder as well?

Yesā€¦they are separate listsā€¦configured separatelyā€¦and in no way, shape, or form connected to each other.

Awesome, thanks!

@JackVaughan, @Mark will we see this kind of functionality in the not too distant future? It would be a game changer with respect to the complexity of apps that could be built with little to no knowledge required. Really want this one more than anything other than the loading screen lol. Thanks for everything you guys are doing!

I have to say as a developer for the past 18 years, what you are asking for doesnā€™t make sense from a logical standpoint. To help me understand your thought process, how would you handle setting up different layouts for 1000 list items that could potentially grow or shrink at any time? A list is a single object pointing to a single list of items, and because of that, you would only set up your layouts once. Thatā€™s why I have 3 lists pointing to 3 separate sheets in my example. Itā€™s 3 separate objects that need 3 different configurations.
Now, since Glide is adding actions to list items, I wonā€™t say itā€™s impossible, but I feel it would quite complicated and require specifying a sheet id within your sheet and hoping that itā€™s already registered in glide. If not, that could lead to some huge user side bugs if you are trying to link to a screen that doesnā€™t exist in Glide. It might work great for your specific situation, but could create a huge headache for everybody else. Iā€™ve been trying to understand this request since you asked for it back in July, but itā€™s so removed from typical logic that Iā€™m having trouble.
How do you envision the process working for those that DO want the same layout for each list item? If you could have different layouts for each item, how would you handle individual layouts for very large lists? What do you think would happen if you add rows in the spreadsheet? Would you expect each new list item to magically link to the proper screen layout, or would you have to manually go into the builder and make modifications for each new list item? How would you indicate in your list which screen itā€™s supposed to go to? Iā€™m not saying itā€™s impossible, but I feel this is a very isolated use case that would probably confuse most people.

Weā€™ve been thinking about this for a while, and have some good ideas, but we canā€™t give you a timeline of how when it might ship.

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The fact you guys have been thinking about it for some time is awesome in and of itself! Would love to hear your thoughts about it and am happy to hop on a call anytime to provide feedback. Cheers!..

Thanks for the feedback Jeff!

Iā€™m coming at it from a perspective of a specific use case yes, but one which I feel would be very applicable to a broad set of users trying to build intricate apps.

Currently it is possible to link an image to any sheet you want. By repeating this process if you create images that look like list items you are able to have this effect, but each individual image needs to load and itā€™s a bit jarring. Iā€™m fully aware that Iā€™m being very picky here, but I really feel strongly about it and if Glide were to be able to get it right, it will offer extremely powerful flexibility for anyone to create very robust how-to / information compendium apps.

Essentially the list item is just a grouping of hyperlinks that allow you to jump from one part of your app to another. I donā€™t understand how any underlying data changing affects these links in any way.


I think the primary different between using several images/buttons as compared to a list is the static vs dynamic nature of each one. Images/buttons are each assigned a single action/function on creation that canā€™t change unless you specify it within the builder. Lists on the other hand are data driven by each row and that list can grow or shrink dynamically based off the number of rows in the sheet. You could still potentially assign an action/function to the list, but that same action would apply to all list items. If separate actions could be assigned to each list item, my major concern is what happens when you modify that list within the sheet. If you add rows, what are the detail layouts for those new rows supposed to look like? What would the default action be? You would essentially have to go into the builder and create new views for those rows or assign new actions, correct? You would also need some sort of unique value or UUID in each row to link that row to a ā€œlink to screenā€ action. That way you could edit other details of that row or re-sort them without breaking the link to the proper action or assigned ā€œlink to screenā€ destination.

Iā€™m basing all of my thoughts on what is currently available, but if we look at your suggestion of deep linking to other parts of the app, that functionality is not currently available using a URL or any value from the sheet. I donā€™t recall you mentioning the use of a link before, so that does change my thought process a bit with that as a potential option. Itā€™s a great idea though and possibly very doable. If we look at deep linking, via some value in each row of a list in a sheet, how would we handle a deep link that doesnā€™t exist yet? If an item is added to the list, you would still have to go into the builder and make modifications for it, correct? I know deep linking has been request several times, so possibly itā€™s somewhere on their radar for future features. Obviously I have no idea how the back-end of Glide works or what kind of plans they may have for a function like this. Iā€™m only looking at it based on how the current functionality works and whatā€™s currently available.

Itā€™s my nature to poke holes in methods and find all of the what-ifs that could break an app. Itā€™s probably easily doable, but easily breakable as well with the current components we have. In my opinion, I think we would need a new type of component that functions much differently than the current list component. Iā€™m thinking a static list component where you would have to specify a set number of items and assign actions to each item. Maybe a list based off of columns instead of rows or more of a hard coded solution rather than a data driven solution. Maybe even a button that looks and functions like a single list item, but I think that basically what a single relation component is already doing. My solution of separate lists with only one list item, is basically the same thing. I have to specify the action for each item within the builder anyway, so it makes sense for me to use components that already exist.

Iā€™m just curious what your thoughts are on the questions I asked in my previous post. I only ask them, because I am genuinely curious how you would handle some of those situations in regards to how lists currently work or how any new functionality would work. If anything, it would help the Glide team to better understand your request and give them potential scenarios and problems to keep in mindā€¦maybe helping them to develop features faster. Where I work, giving programmers more details can definitely help in getting things programmed faster.


I absolutely loved everything you just wrote. You summed up the problem with great details and insight. In doing so, youā€™ve also helped me to clarify my thoughts of what Iā€™m hoping can be implemented.

ā€œI think we would need a new type of component that functions much differently than the current list component. Iā€™m thinking a static list component where you would have to specify a set number of items and assign actions to each item. Maybe a list based off of columns instead of rows or more of a hard coded solution rather than a data driven solution.ā€

This is exactly what Iā€™m after. I hear you about the current list component being ill equipped to handle this functionality I am seeking. It would need to be an entirely new component; one which is static and purely serves to get you from point a to point b quickly and in a compact straightforward style. Weā€™re getting thereā€¦

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@Mark @JackVaughan what are the exact fonts used in Glide for the list items?

Also, any way to get a copy of the arrow asset and the underline for the list items?

@JackVaughan, @Mark What image type is most quickly loaded on the platform?

We use an image processing/hosting service that automatically optimizes all images that are displayed in Glide apps, so use whatever image format works best for you.

@JWhiteside the font is SF Pro -

Thanks Jack! Is that just for when on iPhone or is it the same for Android as well?