Link to detail screen | Calendar

Hey folks,

I’m looking to add a link to a screen onto the calendar component , is this possible?

So I allow user to add to the calendar which in turn creates a new row (not ideal) , but what I need is just to add a link to the current page (saved lesson) so that on the calendar view I can then click this event and be brought straight to the detail screen for the lesson.

I can do this by using the date & time component which adds to the calendar but the UI is a little cumbersome and if shown with the calendar page , instinctively users will look to click on the calendar itself.

Hope it makes sense.

This functions ok but the calendar is view only , when you click the date & time option it shows another calendar. So not ideal.

Sounds like maybe you need the following structure:

new calendar event row → relation to lesson row

Action would be show details → source = relation, not “this item”?

Currently the calendar source is Lessons so its adding to the same page.

In your example you mean add new row to a new table for the event and then relate back to the lesson table?

Hm. Perhaps I’m not following. Can you succinctly describe the ideal user flow?

User visits screen 1 and clicks button 1 to create x.

-User creates/saves a lesson
-Click button “add to calendar”
-Click a time on the calendar which adds an event that when clicked links back to the saved lesson

Ah…so really, you want a full calendar version of a date picker…ya, not sure how that flow would work. For simplicity, you need to start with the calendar or use a date/time picker after the fact (like you’ve already done).

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Yep the existing config actually works perfectly other than the UI issue but I can set the calendar to be view only so they can’t add items.

The second issue I have you might be able to help with :smiley:

If you do not add in the “end time” field it defaults to 30 mins. Rather than having the user go through the date picker twice to choose both start and end time (Duration) , id rather have a choice component with say “30 mins” or “60 mins” that is added onto the start time.

Is this possible?


  1. Ask for 30 or 60 minutes
  2. In the events log, create a math column that adds that many minutes to the start time
  • start date + minutes/24/60
  1. Use that math column as the end time


Thank you!