Link button to glide app crashes in ios

My app’s URL: I have three users that when they click on a button link which links to another app… then the game circles and crashes…works great on desktop.
Anything I am doing wrong?

Worked on Android. Clicked the button link within your app.

I know…its IOS…

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I am on iOS 14 and can’t even open your app. I clicked on it and I tried typing it into my browser and it just refreshes to a blank page. Update, works and so does the link…

We’re seeing some weird behavior too, looking into it.


so there is something? Thanks Deena for checking…Was happening on and off, but always ios…
please let us know.

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@david @Deena still happening today…link clicks and nothing happens…
sometimes goes through, crashes, and then dead…

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Fix should roll out within the hour, it’s an iOS 14 bug.

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