It seems that glideapp is not as smooth as before in the build part

wow, you have sheets/tables with 100+ basic (non-computed) columns?
That’s pretty jaw-dropping, I can’t imagine how difficult that must be to manage.
I have tables that have several hundred computed columns, but never that many basic columns. The most I would ever have is around 20-30. Once I get to that number, I start looking for ways to normalise and break it into multiple sheets/tables.

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well, just checked and one table ends on BY(77 rows). Managing Add Row and Set columns values are difficult here :slight_smile:

But even with 20-30, it’s not friendly for us.
Oh, and I wish that Glide team can add the switch “Show Filled Only” or “Show Filled at first” for these actions. In this way, it would be easier to analyze and debug logic.

Why normalise is not an option for Glide?

I believe that it’s because you have to create a Lookup for each column from normalised tables to refer to that value.

Glide definitely should allow setting component properties with columns from related rows.

Or at least do as Airtable: When you add Relation column - Airtable shows popup with checklist of column names from that table and you can instantly setup Relation and columns you need for Lookup(10-20 or none)

Absolutely agreed. These are features that many of us have been requesting for quite some time.
I think that “inline lookups” may be coming at some point, which will definitely save on lookup columns (and possibly make them redundant).

Setting column values through multi-relations has also been requested, but I don’t know if that’s on the radar or not.


Yay! Is it just me or is the GDE back “on form”! I need to hug somebody! Maybe even @david


I wasn’t game to say anything… but, yes…

Yes to the GDE or to the hug @Darren_Murphy :crazy_face:

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No, you need to hug @Jason



Ok. I will reserve the “David Hug” for another time! :muscle:

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