Issue when Editing complex/long Template Column

Has anyone else noticed issues with the cursor jumping to the bottom when editing a complex template column?

Happens all the time…I am editing a complex template field’s text and cursor jumps to the end. I catch it - usually - and clean it up and get back to work.

This started recently and never had this issue before.

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There is no resolution yet

Same thing with renaming apps. And I do it quite often for my backups

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Is there any idea when this is going to be fixed?

It is really painful when having to constantly re-type a word just to get to the end of word. Or realizing that a letter dropped and that is why nothing works in an ITE column.

Hopefully very soon?

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I think you should contact support via chat, because this case is not the same for every application.

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Yes, happens a lot.
Not just Template columns, all column types can be affected.

For things like templates and JavaScript columns, what I do is prepare them in a text editor and paste them into the Glide column.

Results in a lot less swearing at my computer.


Yes, it even freezes my computer. To ease the frustration, I usually create a new app for testing purposes. It seems like there’s a heavy performance issue from Glide that’s really straining the computer.

Thanks Darren - glad to know I am not the only. Seems to happen more frequently in the last month or so. From annoying to nearly un-workable.

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