Hi! I know there are some posts about my issue but it would be helpful for my basic technical level if I’ll share my actual case. Initially, my problem is whenever our URL yourdomain.com(will replace our domain to “yourdomain” for privacy reasons) has been added the www, it would show “Safari Can’t Find the Server” error.
So after reaching out to Squarespace, they told me to add CNAME to the DNS settings
from Glide’s documents Custom Domains but I’m not sure how to input the two CNAME (or if I should enter these two in the first place) into Squarespace’s DNS Settings.
I tried to input these two data as is and ‘yourdomain’ representing our actual domain:
Unfortunately, this has not been resolved yet. I’ve been in contact with Squarespace and told me I’ve input the correct data and is working on their end and need to reach out to Glide about this but this community is the only one I can reach out to. Here’s Squarespace’s latest response:
I thought so too. Just took my chances to email hello@glideapps.com but have not heard from them yet. As of this writing the www is now working using the forwarding setup. You can check out below what Squarespace did to ours and what Franky_Boy suggested.
Hi! Thanks for this. I’ve suggested Squarespace about it and initially mentioned that the URL we would like the site to be directed to should also be coming from Glide (which frankly I don’t understand) BUT eventually they stepped in and configured our DNS and the forwarding settings (which goes back to what you’ve suggested).