Just out of interest, can you show me the configuration of your if-then-else column?
Yeah, it does. The problem is that you’re mixing data types, and the if-then-else column doesn’t cope well with that.
Sounds like your best bet is to follow Eric’s advice.
Okay good to know that, thanks guys for all your help.
Yes i think you are correct, because it worked for a while now it’s glitching out again. What would be a good solution, i really need the ITE column to display the message that gets selected using a choice component (the choice component is on a table)
So you’re trying to have different types of sort for the end user based on whether they choose “Fastest Growth”, “Direct Leads” etc? I wonder if you don’t have too many options, then would different components would help. Say for 5 options, 5 collections and then sort them accordingly.
I assume all “Fastest”, “Direct Leads” value from math, rollup, ITE columns etc are supposed to all be dates?
I’ve narrowed this issue down to the Table Component only. I have another Card Component that is sorted using the exact same ITE column as the table component and it sorts perfectly.
So the issue is not actually with the various types/formats of columns that the ITE column pulls from, the problem is with the Table Component sorting itself!