iPhone locks while audio is playing, audio stops


I have an app that’s rich with media. I have both video files and audio files. When I play video, all is well, the iphone doesn’t lock in the middle of playing, but when I play audio, after 30 seconds, the iphone locks and the audio stops playing. Any solutions?

This is an IOS limitation with PWAs. You can always adjust your screen timeout. :wink:

@Jeff_Hager it’s not about my own experience, it’s about the user experience. I’m not going to tell people to start adjusting their time out, this is not how the world works. Users should not have to adjust anything to be able to use our apps. Any actual solutions to this?


It is a known issue as jeff states


Ugh. Guess I’ll have to put a button to open the audio URL outside the app, just like I did with the PDF bug. I find myself compromising a lot on the user experience.

If your audio is on SoundCloud the audio keeps playing when an iPhone locks. Because SoundCloud renders audio as video…!

An other solution could be to take the audio from YouTube or Vimeo if that works for you…


Thanks @Thomas_Dahm, these are good solutions :heart_eyes:. I’ll have to consider this, since we have hundreds of audio files and it would be cumbersome and inefficient to have them in more than one location. I think using a button is an ok solution for now.


Here’s what I ended up doing, I added buttons “listen” that link to the audio file outside Glide. I hope this helps others with the same issue :relaxed:

So you use an action “open link” on the button?

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Yes, indeed

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Hi @Thomas_Dahm I tried your suggestion of using soundcloud, the audio played more than 30 seconds, around 1 minute, but then it stopped even without the iPhone locking up…any idea?

@SuperMerabh I had to test several times again… you are right also Soundcloud stops when you selecting play in browser. They probably have changed something, it worked before… (in the early days of Glide!)
For audio, I don’t really know another hack other than changing your screen settings to “don’t lock your screen” or make videos from your audio files en publish them on youtube. Which you then can repost on social when… and gets you probably more visitors as well!

Thanks @Thomas_Dahm, that must be the worst issue in Glide I’ve found so far. I think Vimeo pro may be a better option, because then I can control what happens at the end of the video, with YouTube it can show me a bunch of crap :joy:.

yes, indeed vimeo is better.
This audio issue is because of Apple.

This article gives insight of the problem in general.

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