Iphone 6 blank screen after opening apps

Hello everyone,
I have a trouble that after open link of my app, iphone 6 show blank screen, since android never had isue.

Does anyone could give me a tip.
Thank you very much!


We are currently working on solving this. We’ll let you know when it’s done.



Can you confirm this is an iPhone 6 and not 6S?

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Hello, thanks for your response

It happened on both 6 and 6s

I am using basic paid glide,

Hi gent,

Any new update for this issue?
Thank you


We rolled a fix for this earlier this week. If you are still having this issue trying upgrading your iOS and let us know if this continues.


Hi Santiago,

One of my colleague upgraded and it work,
But the other one dont work,

I saw my google sheet shows calculation bar everytime when i change the sheet,
I tried to delete about 1000 row of data, not sure but after that i see iphone 6 work again

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Hi Santiago,

Has this issue fixed?
Probably it happened while use spread sheet with more than 2000 row, each row has vlookup formulae