Introduction & Question about User Emails

Hello everyone! So today was the day where I decided to take a plunge and dive into the idea of starting a passion project: a mobile email sorting app.

However I am just having some difficulty trying to find my footing on where to begin.

Basically I want users to sign up with their personal email addresses on my app. Then with my app I would be able to show their emails on my mobile app, in an app-friendly format.

I have more functions in mind after a user’s email is sent to the app dashboard but I just can’t seem to find anything regarding actually having access to a user’s inbox full of emails. All help would be greatly appreciated! I am absolutely open to just being pointed in the right direction :slightly_smiling_face: .

P.S: I know that at some point I would probably need to incorporate something like the Admin/User functionality template for profile creation but it just didn’t mention anything about accessing a user’s inbox for emails.

Hola @LogCast,

Do you want to have access to the use’s email inbox from a glide app?

If that’s so, I don’t think that possible.

Glide apps access data in the attached Google Sheet. If the data is not in the Google Sheet, it will not show in the app.